- Centre for Brexit Studies [Birmingham City]
- Institute of Economic Affairs
- Institute of Islamic Banking and Insurance
- London Business School
- Money Macro & Finance Society
- National Institute of Economic and Social Research
- New Economics Foundation
- Royal Economic Society
- Saïd Business School
- The Library of Mistakes
- University of Exeter Business School
- Academy of Ideas
- Agile Rabbit
- Also Festival: Big Ideas in a Beautiful Space
- Birmingham Salon
- Bristol Ideas
- Café Économique Leeds
- Demos
- Dialogue Society
- East Midlands Salon
- FutureEverything
- GlobalNet21
- HowTheLightGetsIn
- Idler Academy of Philosophy, Husbandry and Merriment, The
- Institute of Advanced Studies [UCL]
- Institute of Advanced Study [Durham]
- Institute of Art and Ideas
- Intelligence Squared
- Laudato Si' Research Institute
- Leeds Salon, The
- Liverpool Salon
- Malvern Festival of Ideas
- Manchester Statistical Society
- Oxford Martin School
- Royal Society of Arts
- Schumacher College
- Skeptics in the Pub
- St Davids Festival of Ideas
- St Ethelburga's Centre for Reconciliation and Peace
- The Imagine! Festival
- The Skeptic
- York Festival of Ideas
- Young Foundation, The
- Anglia Ruskin Research Centre for Intercultural and Multilingual Studies
- Birmingham Centre for Media and Cultural Research
- Centre for Printing History and Culture [Birmingham]
- Edinburgh TV Festival
- Frontline Club
- Literature Wales
- Museum of Brands
- National Science and Media Museum
- New Scientist
- Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism [Oxford]
- Sense about Science
- Stationers' Company, The
- Alton Climate Action Network
- Bude Climate Partnership
- Climate Outreach
- Creative Carbon Scotland
- Edinburgh Climate Change Institute
- Environment and Sustainability Institute [Exeter]
- Global Sustainability Institute [Anglia Ruskin]
- London Climate Action Week
- London Climate Change Partnership
- Petersfield Climate Action Network
- Priestley Centre for Climate Futures
- Royal Meteorological Society (RMetS)
- Sustainable Uttoxeter
- Transition Cambridge
- Wyre Forest Green Alliance
- Chatham House
- Department of War Studies [KCL]
- Faculty of Environment [Leeds]
- Horniman Museum & Gardens
- Institute of Commonwealth Studies [London]
- Institute of International Visual Arts (iniva)
- International Institute for Strategic Studies
- Keele World Affairs
- Oxford School of Global and Area Studies
- Royal United Services Institute
- School of Global Affairs [KCL]
- United Nations Association of the UK
- World Economic Forum