Hardy Plant Society
Listing Details
Hardy Plant Society : GROUPING
Local Society
Area Society
Avon-County, Bedfordshire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Cambridgeshire, Cheshire, Cornwall, Cumbria, Derbyshire, Devon, Dorset, East Riding of Yorkshire, Essex, Gloucestershire, Hampshire, Herefordshire, Hertfordshire, Lincolnshire, Norfolk, Northamptonshire, Oxfordshire, Rutland, Shropshire, Somerset, Staffordshire, Suffolk, West Sussex, Wiltshire, Worcestershire, Yorkshire-North, Yorkshire-West, Flintshire, Monmouthshire
Regional Society
'We love hardy perennials for their variety, colours, shapes, sizes and longevity. We help each other to grow them better, to try different species and we exchange and spread information about them ... Local Group membership is open to all members of the national HPS. Most groups charge a small additional subscription. Groups welcome new members and visitors; they are a great way for those of all ages and levels of experience to share their enthusiasm for plants and gardening ... Most Groups offer ... talks by experts with the opportunity to ask questions and talk to them.'