- Anthony Powell Society
- Arnold Bennett Society
- Arthur Ransome Society
- Arthur Ransome Trust
- Barbara Pym Society
- Beatrix Potter Society
- Betjeman Society
- Brontë Society, The
- Browning Society, The
- Byron Society
- Charles Causley Trust
- Charlotte Mary Yonge Fellowship
- Coleridge, The Friends of
- DH Lawrence Society
- Dickens Fellowship, The
- Dorothy Dunnett Society
- Dorothy L Sayers Society
- Dylan Thomas Centre
- Dymock Poets, Friends of the
- E.F.Benson Society
- Edinburgh Sir Walter Scott Club
- Edward Thomas Fellowship
- Elizabeth Gaskell's House
- English Goethe Society
- F.W. Harvey Society
- Francis Brett Young Society
- Gaskell Society
- George Eliot Fellowship
- Gilbert White's House & Gardens
- Graham Greene Birthplace Trust
- Hazlitt Society
- Henry Williamson Society
- Hopkins Society (UK)
- Housman Society
- Hugh Walpole Society
- J.B. Priestley Society
- Jane Austen Centre
- Jane Austen Society of the United Kingdom, The
- John Buchan Society
- John Clare Society
- John Hewitt Society
- Johnson Society (Lichfield)
- Johnson Society of London
- Katherine Mansfield Society
- Keats House
- Kilvert Society
- Kipling Society
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- Margery Allingham Society
- Marlowe Society
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- Mary Webb Society
- Muriel Spark Society
- Norman Nicholson Society
- Orwell Foundation
- Orwell Society
- Oxford C.S. Lewis Society
- PG Wodehouse Society (UK)
- Philip Larkin Society
- Powys Society
- Ruskin Research Centre
- Ruskin Society
- Shakespeare Birthplace Trust
- Shaw Society, The
- Sherlock Holmes Society of London
- T S Eliot Society
- T.E. Lawrence Society
- Terence Rattigan Society
- The BB Society
- Thomas Hardy Society
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- Traherne Association
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- Virginia Woolf Society of Great Britain
- Walmsley Society, The
- Wilfred Owen Association
- William Cobbett Society
- Alliance of Literary Societies
- Association of Christian Writers
- BBC Writers
- Books From Scotland
- Chawton House
- Edinburgh City of Literature
- English PEN
- Historical Novel Society
- Jane Austen's House
- Literature Wales
- Literature Works
- National Centre for Writing
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- Perthshire Writers
- Philippa Pearce Memorial Lecture, The
- Romantic Novelists' Association
- Royal Literary Fund
- Royal Society of Literature, The
- Society of Authors, The
- Spread the Word
- Victorian Popular Fiction Association